Sunday, June 8, 2014

Beware of the Troll in Target

So M and I ran to Target while C was napping and after a bit she started to get fussy so I headed for the checkout, pausing at the Father's Day cards. I was rocking the basket and some woman came up as said, "How old is she?" I responded, "8 months" and the shrew went on, "Babies that age don't cry for no reason" I smiled and said "yeah, she's getting tired. It's almost naptime". This old bat then snapped at me, "Then what are you doing? She should be home napping or you at least need to be carrying her on your back!" (WHAT?!) I decided to stand up for myself and said, "She's my daughter. It's none of your business." The witch then replied, "Actually it is," then yelled, "BECAUSE IT'S CHILD ABUSE!" All the nearby shoppers turned to look at the child abuser...

Was she trying to shame me? I almost decked the harpy. Who in the world did she think she was? I bet her children, if she even has any, are all in therapy from having a wack like that for a mother.

Why do people give unsolicited parenting advice?  You have no idea what sort of day, week, life I have had with my child.  Heck, had M been in one of her shrieking fits this woman probably would have called CPS without even coming to see what was happening.  

When we spent 6 days in the hospital with M recently due to her low weight gain, her shrill screams became a running joke amongst the pediatric nurses and staff. The first time they heard it they came bolting into our room to see what the problem was (in actuality the issue was that M was mad that her Papa had set her down on her play mat). Upon bursting through the door, M turned saw the nurse and our tech and smiled at them... You see it seems that M has learned when she shrieks, it is impossible for adults to pay attention to C or focus on anything else, such as preparing lunch perhaps, until she stops. The moment you turn your attention to her, the shrieking stops. 

Now I do not advocate cry it out, I don't actually advocate anything. I think as a parent you have to figure out what works for you and how to keep yourself sane and the kiddos alive and well.  You do the best you can.  Some days that means wearing ear plugs when you know the little one is safe, so that you can prepare lunch.  Some days that means a long drive in the car and some days that means running to Target a bit too close to nap time in order to pick up the items you need for the following day.  
I've decided that next time I see the Mama out at the store, who hasn't had time to shower, so she threw on a baseball hat, rocking her cart back and forth trying to keep the baby from crying, while she is picking out a Father's day card for the man who works super long hours to provide for her and those beautiful, but occasionally trying, kiddos, I wont give her advice, even if I think it might be helpful. Instead I;m going to buy her a Starbucks, offer her a smile and tell her we've all been there, because ain't that the truth!         

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

5 months and Time to Ratchet Things Up!

So it has been 5 months since that little surprise we had last January was born!  She is starting to sleep better and I am starting to go back to the gym.  I found out Chuze Fitness, our local $10/month gym, has a circuit room.  Its 10 machines, 10 boxes for box jumps or step ups, and a timer that gives you 1 minute intervals (green light), followed by 30 second intervals (red light) which allow you time to move to the next station.  I went for the first time on Monday, after I noticed that despite breastfeeding my weight loss has completely stalled and I would still like to lose 20-30lbs which are left over from C.

I pulled up my measurements from January 2013 and decided to retake them out of curiosity to see how things have changed. I do prefer measurements to the scale.  I am also not quite sure where to measure chest, so this is under my armpits.
Jan 2013                                                                  May 2014
Bust 39.5                                                                  Bust 41.5 (Hello nursing mama!!)
Chest 36                                                                   Chest 38 (ditto...)
Waist 34                                                                   Waist 32 (that's a nice surprise!)
Hips 42.5 (I died when I saw that)                             Hips 40 (better, but still uggh!)
Thigh 27 (a little more dying inside)                            Thigh 25
Arm 14 (ugggh!)                                                        Arm 13

The circuit room is perfect for me.  I get the best results when I alternate weights and cardio, but when I am standing in the gym, looking around me it is overwhelming.  I often just drift over to an efx machine, go for about 30 minutes, hit one or two machines on my way towards the door and then leave.  The circuit room provides me with a full body workout in 30 minutes!!  It is essentially mindless, which is perfect for me, because in order to make it to the gym I have to be there by 6:30am.  Besides my lack of gym-spiration, I am in no mood to think at 6:30am.  Step 1-20, Red light/Green light is right about the simplicity I need!

My only necessity for tomorrow morning is my iPod!  I was trying to use my S4 and Pandora on Monday and it was not working!  So I was forced to listen to two 50 year old sorority girls talk about their First World Problems for my entire workout.  The poor things husband only gave her $200 for drapes for the guest room, when she clearly needed $1000 and her husband hates grass (even artificial) and doesn't want to take care of it so she doesn't know how to landscape the backyard... Woe is me. Actually, I am probably just jealous that it was 6:45am, both of them had their lulu lemon outfits, blonde extensions in perfect curls and flawless tans, while I had thrown my 2 days unwashed hair into a bun, pulled a "Clean" aka no baby puke shirt off the floor and thrown it on with some paint spattered shorts. Hey, at least I was at the gym!!