Thursday, July 25, 2013

This Blog

So I was trying to decide what this blog should be about.  I obviously started it to keep myself accountable and hold myself to my goals in the 30 Day Shred and that idea was shot with the addition to Baby #2 on the way.   I am pleased to say, however, that at 30 weeks, I am still below where I started when I initially started the 30 Day Shred.  So even during pregnancy watching what you eat and moderate exercise is a great idea!  Summers in Arizona are not the best time for working out or long walks, but after a monsoon a walk in the wash is enjoyed by all!

Anyway, with baby #2 on the way I was trying to decide.  Am I a crafty mama?  Should this be a DIY blog - no definitely not!  I am an okay copy cat but I fear there would be more epic fails than I care to admit if I did a DIY blog.  I am not a crunchy granola mama and I prefer the CTFD method of parenting over any specific style (though I do have to remind myself to do just that sometimes!)  So what kind of blog should this be?  I decided I had no idea, not enough expertise to blog about any one thing, so this is my blog about stuff...

So that is my plan.  I am going to blog about stuff.  I know, I know.  It sounds very exciting and you are at the edge of your seats.  However, I hope to change your minds soon!

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