So this morning I woke up with an incredible headache. C slept through the night and took two naps yesterday, which was a miracle but my head is throbbing this morning.
Every single time I did a jumping jack I wanted to punch Jillian in the face. So let's just say Day 6 was hard. I needed extra pep so I put on the Pandora work out station again and just did it. As much as it sucked I did it.
As an interesting side note, check out Natalie at 12:30(ish) during lunges and bicep curls, when the camera starts to pan to Anita, she does two bicep curls without lunges. Not that she really needs them, but if I were in a room with Jillian, I would be afraid!
Another interesting note, I worked hard today but I am sweating less than day 1 or 2. Still need a shower, but not drenched.
Alright, Hubby just brought C downstairs so its time for me to get something for the headache and start the day.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Day 5 Aftermath
Yesterday threw me on an emotional roller coaster. I won't go into detail just yet, however it gave me every excuse in the book if I wanted to stop. So I woke up this morning and debated. Do I continue? Last night C decided to start screaming at 12:45 and finally I brought her in with us. She fell asleep and around 2:30 I tried to put her back in her own room. She caught me and ended up in our bed all night. Typically that would be fine, I liked the extra cuddle bug after yesterday, however at 6, Hubby's alarm went off and he pushed snooze 4 times! The first three times C went back to sleep, time 4 was just once too many. So I didn't get as much sleep last night as I would have liked and I was tired... So do I continue?
I'm in this. However, I needed some extra pep, so rather than listen to Jillian, I turned on Pandora's hip hop workout station and watched the video without sound. It was great. Day 5 is easier, than day 4, than day 3 and definitely than day 2.
The bicycle crunches I attempted to modify and did then on the edge of my coffee table. It was waaaaaay harder! So I kind of "phoned" that part in. I also didn't stretch because C was tired of watching mommy jump up and down and begging for attention.
I'm in this. However, I needed some extra pep, so rather than listen to Jillian, I turned on Pandora's hip hop workout station and watched the video without sound. It was great. Day 5 is easier, than day 4, than day 3 and definitely than day 2.
The bicycle crunches I attempted to modify and did then on the edge of my coffee table. It was waaaaaay harder! So I kind of "phoned" that part in. I also didn't stretch because C was tired of watching mommy jump up and down and begging for attention.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Day 4 Aftermath
Day 4 is done before 7:30am. I love knowing that. Otherwise I would dread it all day until it was done. Now it's done. The coffee is brewing and *hopefully* I have 30 minutes until I need to get C out of bed.
My thoughts after Day 4's workout:
I want extra stretching at the end. (So I did a bit)
By the end of circuit 3, I agreed with Jillian that it was easier than it was on Day 2. Please note I said easier, not easy!
Today I hated shoulder raises just a little bet less, but circuit 1 just as much as ever.
Thank Heaven it is still January. Opening the door to let that frosty air in was delightful as I worked out!
My thoughts after Day 4's workout:
I want extra stretching at the end. (So I did a bit)
By the end of circuit 3, I agreed with Jillian that it was easier than it was on Day 2. Please note I said easier, not easy!
Today I hated shoulder raises just a little bet less, but circuit 1 just as much as ever.
Thank Heaven it is still January. Opening the door to let that frosty air in was delightful as I worked out!
Day 4
Good Morning!
Last night I stayed up until 9pm, so I am getting a little more in the groove. C slept yesterday until 8:30 am. That is her normal wake up time!!! However she has not napped for the past two days making afternoons fussy. I even tried laying her in her bed and letting her cry but she throws out her pacifier, we call him Clifford, (I love WubbaNub. She got him at 1 month and he is a lifesaver!) and her bunny and then wails. Why would she throw out her comfort items? It doesn't hurt me... I let her cry for 45 minutes and even gave Clifford and the bunny back once but it didn't help. So I got her up and yesterday was Day 2 of no naps. I hope this doesn't become a thing. She is only 1, she needs at least 1 nap, preferably (for me) 2.
Day 4 of 30 Day Shred! I had my first comment on the blog last night. I was so excited. It encourages me that not only do I need to keep it up, but I should also keep posting. Today my legs are sore, but less so. My arm pits no longer scream whenever I pick something up. The new sore spot is my neck and I would classify it as more stiff than sore.
I also weighed myself this morning, despite the fact that I hadn't intended to until the end of Level 1. After a minor heart attack (NEVER EVER EVER use a $5 Ikea scale on carpet. It will add 25-30#) I lost 3 pounds. 3 Days, 3 lbs. I know that trend will not continue, but I like it for now!
Day 4 of 30 Day Shred! I had my first comment on the blog last night. I was so excited. It encourages me that not only do I need to keep it up, but I should also keep posting. Today my legs are sore, but less so. My arm pits no longer scream whenever I pick something up. The new sore spot is my neck and I would classify it as more stiff than sore.
I also weighed myself this morning, despite the fact that I hadn't intended to until the end of Level 1. After a minor heart attack (NEVER EVER EVER use a $5 Ikea scale on carpet. It will add 25-30#) I lost 3 pounds. 3 Days, 3 lbs. I know that trend will not continue, but I like it for now!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Day 3 Aftermath
I still only counted "3 phoning it in"s. Maybe it just seemed like more day 1.
I really hate shoulder raises but of the three circuts, circut 1 is by far my least favorite. I don't know if it is because I know I am only just starting or if it is the push ups and jump rope, but I dread it. By circut 3 with those evil shoulder raises at least I get to do chest flys and I know I am almost done. Plus when I am just about to quit miraculously Jillian says 5 left, so I power thru.
Day 4 is tomorrow... I am dreading it a bit. However, I am definitely less sore tonight than either of the past two nights.
I really hate shoulder raises but of the three circuts, circut 1 is by far my least favorite. I don't know if it is because I know I am only just starting or if it is the push ups and jump rope, but I dread it. By circut 3 with those evil shoulder raises at least I get to do chest flys and I know I am almost done. Plus when I am just about to quit miraculously Jillian says 5 left, so I power thru.
Day 4 is tomorrow... I am dreading it a bit. However, I am definitely less sore tonight than either of the past two nights.
Day 2 Aftermath and Day 3
So we got to go visit Oma and Opa over in the Netherlands for C's 1st birthday. It was incredible. We didn't tell anyone we were coming and showed up on the doorstep on the Day of Oma's 60th birthday. Then 1 week later they celebrated C's first birthday with us. We went to the Blijdorp Zoo, which was amazing even in the snow, and the next day had a small "feest" with the Dutch relatives and friends. Unfortunately, there is also an 8 hour time difference. So when we arrived in the Netherlands it took C nearly a week to sleep thru the night. The way home, 5 days ago now, was better. She cried the entire first night (and we let her because my husband had do work and I am useless as a parent without a bit of sleep). Night 2 she slept until 4 am, at which point we were all awake anyway so we got up. Night 3 and 4 (Days 1 and 2 of Shred) she slept until about 6:30. I could handle that. Right now it is 7 and I have yet to hear a peep.
The only problem with all this is, I have gotten myself on this senior citizen routine of falling asleep shortly after I put her down, typically around 8 pm. The hubby always harassed me about being a grandma. He is a chef, so once C goes to bed at night, I am the only one home and awake so I typically straighten up and go watch TV in our bedroom until I fall asleep. Normally that is 10:30-11:00ish. Not this blue hair time of 8pm I have now adopted.
The one benefit is I wake up early and can do these workouts first thing rather than at naptime, because man oh man it makes me sweaty.
Yesterday, I was sore. No denying that. However, it was not the I can't get out of bed or walk up the stairs sore I have on occasion experienced. For the workout, I only counted three "phone it ins" but I know there must be more. I was distracted trying to breathe. By the end of the warm up, I was breathing a little hard (Day 1 I did not experience that). I had to drop for 2 seconds during one of my push up sets. They were modified but I did 5 regular first. I also had to shake out my legs during the squats at one point, but once I got going it went pretty well. On Day 1 I had to drop my weights and just do my arms for the last 5 to 10 shoulder presses and yesterday I did them all.
I am headed down to do Day 3 before C and the hubby wake up. I am sore, but its getting better. If anyone else is doing it, I think Day 2 is a hump day. You are sore and not yet in the grove. Find a way to do the workout and move onto Day 3. After that it will start to become routine.
The only problem with all this is, I have gotten myself on this senior citizen routine of falling asleep shortly after I put her down, typically around 8 pm. The hubby always harassed me about being a grandma. He is a chef, so once C goes to bed at night, I am the only one home and awake so I typically straighten up and go watch TV in our bedroom until I fall asleep. Normally that is 10:30-11:00ish. Not this blue hair time of 8pm I have now adopted.
The one benefit is I wake up early and can do these workouts first thing rather than at naptime, because man oh man it makes me sweaty.
Yesterday, I was sore. No denying that. However, it was not the I can't get out of bed or walk up the stairs sore I have on occasion experienced. For the workout, I only counted three "phone it ins" but I know there must be more. I was distracted trying to breathe. By the end of the warm up, I was breathing a little hard (Day 1 I did not experience that). I had to drop for 2 seconds during one of my push up sets. They were modified but I did 5 regular first. I also had to shake out my legs during the squats at one point, but once I got going it went pretty well. On Day 1 I had to drop my weights and just do my arms for the last 5 to 10 shoulder presses and yesterday I did them all.
I am headed down to do Day 3 before C and the hubby wake up. I am sore, but its getting better. If anyone else is doing it, I think Day 2 is a hump day. You are sore and not yet in the grove. Find a way to do the workout and move onto Day 3. After that it will start to become routine.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Day One Aftermath
Since the baby was asleep I decided to quickly run downstairs and do Day ones workout right away. Here are my thoughts as the workout progressed...
"I wonder how many times Jillian Michael says 'phoning it in'?"
"Shoulder raises suck"
"I wonder if I should turn the AC on, even though it is January and I have the doors open"
"This 20 minute workout doesn't actually finish until minute 27 on the DVD"
Looks like I made it just in time... I hear some fussing from the room next door.
"I wonder how many times Jillian Michael says 'phoning it in'?"
"Shoulder raises suck"
"I wonder if I should turn the AC on, even though it is January and I have the doors open"
"This 20 minute workout doesn't actually finish until minute 27 on the DVD"
Looks like I made it just in time... I hear some fussing from the room next door.
Day One
My daughter turned one last week. A whole year has gone by since the days she was born. It is absolutely unbelievable. We've survived. Sometimes it wasn't graceful, but we made it.
I waited a year, so why blog now? Honestly, it is because of that stupid scale. I have avoided it as much as possible my entire life (even when I look back at pictures and realize at that point I was remarkably thin), but this past year I have dreaded that evil little metal box sitting in my bathroom. So here I am. Ready to do something about it.
I've gathered up a few friends and we are going to partake in Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Want to join? The more the merrier. Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days and then level 3 for 10 days. About 20 minutes a day. Easy? I bet it's not. I've watched the biggest loser, Jillian Michael's doesn't seem to understand easy.
Measurements are important so they say. Perhaps even more so than what that scale says. The results aren't pretty, but that's the reason for all this right?
Bust 39.5
Chest 36
Waist 34
Hips 42.5 (I died when I saw that)
Thigh 27 (a little more dying inside)
Arm 14 (ugggh!)
and that dreaded scale read 188 - not much less than when I gave birth and much more than I was before this darling girl was a flicker in my eye. So here I go. Let the adventure begin.
This is Day 1.
I waited a year, so why blog now? Honestly, it is because of that stupid scale. I have avoided it as much as possible my entire life (even when I look back at pictures and realize at that point I was remarkably thin), but this past year I have dreaded that evil little metal box sitting in my bathroom. So here I am. Ready to do something about it.
Measurements are important so they say. Perhaps even more so than what that scale says. The results aren't pretty, but that's the reason for all this right?
Bust 39.5
Chest 36
Waist 34
Hips 42.5 (I died when I saw that)
Thigh 27 (a little more dying inside)
Arm 14 (ugggh!)
and that dreaded scale read 188 - not much less than when I gave birth and much more than I was before this darling girl was a flicker in my eye. So here I go. Let the adventure begin.
This is Day 1.
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