Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 4

Good Morning!

Last night I stayed up until 9pm, so I am getting a little more in the groove.  C slept yesterday until 8:30 am.  That is her normal wake up time!!!  However she has not napped for the past two days making afternoons fussy.  I even tried laying her in her bed and letting her cry but she throws out her pacifier, we call him Clifford, (I love WubbaNub.  She got him at 1 month and he is a lifesaver!) and her bunny and then wails.  Why would she throw out her comfort items?  It doesn't hurt me...  I let her cry for 45 minutes and even gave Clifford and the bunny back once but it didn't help.   So I got her up and yesterday was Day 2 of no naps.  I hope this doesn't become a thing.  She is only 1, she needs at least 1 nap, preferably (for me) 2.

Day 4 of 30 Day Shred!  I had my first comment on the blog last night.  I was so excited.  It encourages me that not only do I need to keep it up, but I should also keep posting.  Today my legs are sore, but less so.  My arm pits no longer scream whenever I pick something up.  The new sore spot is my neck and I would classify it as more stiff than sore.

I also weighed myself this morning, despite the fact that I hadn't intended to until the end of Level 1.  After a minor heart attack (NEVER EVER EVER use a $5 Ikea scale on carpet.  It will add 25-30#) I lost 3 pounds.  3 Days, 3 lbs.  I know that trend will not continue, but I like it for now!

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