Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 5 Aftermath

Yesterday threw me on an emotional roller coaster.  I won't go into detail just yet, however it gave me every excuse in the book if I wanted to stop.  So I woke up this morning and debated.  Do I continue? Last night C decided to start screaming at 12:45 and finally I brought her in with us.  She fell asleep and around 2:30 I tried to put her back in her own room.  She caught me and ended up in our bed all night.  Typically that would be fine, I liked the extra cuddle bug after yesterday, however at 6, Hubby's alarm went off and he pushed snooze 4 times!  The first three times C went back to sleep, time 4 was just once too many.  So I didn't get as much sleep last night as I would have liked and I was tired... So do I continue?

 I'm in this. However,  I needed some extra pep, so rather than listen to Jillian, I turned on Pandora's hip hop workout station and watched the video without sound.  It was great.  Day 5 is easier, than day 4, than day 3 and definitely than day 2. 

The bicycle crunches I attempted to modify and did then on the edge of my coffee table.  It was waaaaaay harder!  So I kind of "phoned" that part in.  I also didn't stretch because C was tired of watching mommy jump up and down and begging for attention. 

1 comment:

  1. Your day 5 is my day 4 - I'm proud of us for not giving in and doing our workout anyways. I spent all morning at Goodyear for an oil change and a squealing belt, need a bolt, they don't have it, been chasing it down all afternoon, got it ordered and came home frustrated not to mention embarrassed over the loud noise that everyone around me can hear lol. But when I got home I seen a package came in and my husband bought me some hand weights, I've been using 1lb cans of soup so I was happy to see he got me an assortment of sizes. Motivated by this I did my workout and feel much better getting some frustration out - lunges are killing my calves but other than that I agree with you it is getting easier, it feels good to see how much endurance you can gain in just a few days! I havent lost any weight yet but my butt feels perkier, or I'm imagining it - either way it's a good thing to me :)
