Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day One

My daughter turned one last week.  A whole year has gone by since the days she was born.  It is absolutely unbelievable.  We've survived.  Sometimes it wasn't graceful, but we made it.

I waited a year, so why blog now?  Honestly, it is because of that stupid scale.  I have avoided it as much as possible my entire life (even when I look back at pictures and realize at that point I was remarkably thin), but this past year I have dreaded that evil little metal box sitting in my bathroom.  So here I am.  Ready to do something about it. 

I've gathered up a few friends and we are going to partake in Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  Want to join?  The more the merrier.  Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days and then level 3 for 10 days.  About 20 minutes a day.  Easy?  I bet it's not.  I've watched the biggest loser, Jillian Michael's doesn't seem to understand easy. 

Measurements are important so they say.  Perhaps even more so than what that scale says.  The results aren't pretty, but that's the reason for all this right?

Bust 39.5
Chest 36
Waist 34
Hips 42.5 (I died when I saw that)
Thigh 27 (a little more dying inside)
Arm 14 (ugggh!)
and that dreaded scale read 188 - not much less than when I gave birth and much more than I was before this darling girl was a flicker in my eye.  So here I go.  Let the adventure begin.

This is Day 1.


  1. Hi! I was excited to see your blog! We are in similar boats. I gave birth to my fourth (and final) baby 3.5 years ago and I am now starting to find some time to myself and I am ready to get fit. I started three weeks ago at 182 lbs and I did a three week cleanse that ended yesterday and am now starting down the Jillian 30 day shred path at 174 lbs. Day 1 was today! I hope I feel okay tomorrow - my run group is my day 2 with Jillian.
    Good luck with your 30 days!

    1. Hi! Thanks for commenting and congratulations on your results after the cleanse. Did you follow a plan? I am excited to have someone else embarking on the 30 day shred as well. You are brave (though we should have guess that from the fact you are a mom of 4) to do the shred and a running club. Please let me know how you are feeling after Day 1.
