Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 12 & 13 Aftermath

Level 2 pretty much sucks.  Though I did notice I was able to do 90% of the exercises today as prescribed. Day 11 and 12, some of the planks were done using my coffee table so they were a bit easier.   I did a couple walking push ups instead of walking planks.  I did my plank twists at the end.  I am noticing my back and knees are killing me, so with a lot of the jumping cardio, I am having to substitute.  The skaters dont bother me, mountain climbers (on the coffee table) are fine and I can do plank jacks (except after chair squats and v flys my shoulders want to snap off, ugh!).   I rotate through those and punches from level 1.

Anywho, I promised hubby we would all go for a bike ride, so that is what I am off to next.  Phew! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Level 2 - Day 11

Hello Anita, my old friend!  Wow.  That was worse than Day 1 Level 1.  The only thing that makes it okay is knowing that day 20 will be better.  I dropped my weights several times and felt like a clumsy oaf trying to learn the moves!  Any else have feedback on Day 1 level 2?  I am sure I will be sore tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 10 - Level 1 Complete

I feel very accomplished today.  Level 1 is done!  I even noticed the without conciously meaning to I was following Natalie on most exercises.  I havent been sore in several days.  I finished all the exercises and yesterday in the mirror I felt ever so slightly better about my stomach and butt.   

I had asked hubby to help me with staying accountable and all.  I mentioned suggesting my sugar free pudding if I mentioned ice cream etc.  Well he probably wont be a good accountability partner in that respect anymore.  He had cleaned up after our Super Bowl get together and on Monday I wanted a snack.  I thought some left over guacamole and a few tortilla chips would hit the spot and he wouldnt tell me where the chips were.  I almost bit his head off.  Oops!

Tomorrow starts day 11 of the 30 Day Shred and Day 1 of level 2!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 9 Aftermath

So yesterday was Sunday, the Super Bowl and I was having stomach issues, so I deemed yesterday my day of rest.  Upon looking at other blogs, I see that occasionally other people took a day off and the following day proceeded, however typically they counted their day off as one of their 30 days.  To me that seems like cheating.  I know a day off isn't ideal, however if it needs to happen so be it, jump right back up the next day and keep counting.  However, I do not think you should count a day off.  Rant done.

How about that Super Bowl?  Honestly, I didn't really care.  I started off rooting for the Ravens because they were the underdog and then after the black out switched to the 49ers because they were making a good comeback.  I am much more of a March Madness fan.

Day 9 was a little stinky.  I am still not 100%.  However, only 1 more day of level one kept me going and I got the workout in before 8 am which helps me feel like I start the day off right.  My least favorite is still the side lunges and anterior raises.  I did some yesterday during the Super Bowl just to stay in the groove, but I probably needed to do more because my arms still wanted to fall off.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 8 Aftermath

Everything was working against me today.  Hubby had to be at work at 8, C woke up at 7:45, so I had to workout and try to keep a 1 year old entertained.  (Thank goodness it is only 28 minutes!  At one point I had to fish dog food out of her mouth).  Then all through Circuit 1 the video was doing a weird skipping situation.  It would keep the counter going but the picture and sound were frozen.

Luckily Circuit 1 is my least favorite!  So I just did the amount of each exercise I had previously done during that level and I still feel like my workout was good.  My left arm is really sore! Weird.

Right now C has decided it is NOT nap time and she is currently SCREAMING in her room.  I think I am going to cave and bring her downstairs to cuddle.  I was really hoping she would nap for a few minutes this morning so she would be awake and pleasant when I have to go show clients a few houses.  Looks like she is going to nap while we are out, meaning I will get nothing done.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 7 Aftermath

Level 1 is starting to become routine.  I did my (modified) pushups without a break.  Just boom, boom, boom.  I even followed Natalie for some things. 

After the workout I was curious what level 2 was going to look like.  Should I start dreading it now?  So I peeked ahead.  Honestly it looks like it will be fun to changing it up a bit, there are some cool new moves, but I am sure it will really suck.  I bet I will be begging for level 1 back halfway through Day 1 (or especially day 2).  However, I have to imagine by day 7, it will probably seem like today, a bit of a routine.  Which is exciting because the only reason I can imagine for not dying through every part of this like I was the first few days is that my body is getting stronger!

Keep up the good work if you are doing the 30 Day Shred as well!  Week 1 is done!

Day 7

We have now been home from the Netherlands for over a week.  I have been diligent about working out every day for the past week and I think C is finally back on our time.  Yesterday she took 1 three hour nap, which she takes if she doesn't get in a morning nap.  She was a pleasant baby/  There were days this past week when she would scream if you put her to bed, scream if you picked her up, scream if you set her down and when you tried to play with her you needed to change games every 90 seconds or she would scream.

Today I am a tiny bit sore in my right quad.  Why only the right one?  No idea.  To balance it out the left side of my neck is a bit stiff/sore.  I have decided I love these few minutes of me time while hubby is getting ready for work and C is still asleep.  Since hubby is a chef, and a bit too dedicated, his work days easily average 12-14 hour days, 6 days a week.  After C was born we had a little talk when he worked 28 days straight.  I was home with a 2 month old and it had been far too long since I had time to shower. He has been much better since, however he is still a perfectionist and working as Chef of a luxury resort takes a lot of time. Our trip to the Netherlands was a bit of a wake up call for him about how much he was missing.  He has worked hard to try to keep his days to 10 hour days and tries to take 2 days off a week.  Yet here we are 9 days after our trip and no day off yet... Anyway, its 7:36 and time to cut the jibber jabber and get to work before C wakes up.