Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 8 Aftermath

Everything was working against me today.  Hubby had to be at work at 8, C woke up at 7:45, so I had to workout and try to keep a 1 year old entertained.  (Thank goodness it is only 28 minutes!  At one point I had to fish dog food out of her mouth).  Then all through Circuit 1 the video was doing a weird skipping situation.  It would keep the counter going but the picture and sound were frozen.

Luckily Circuit 1 is my least favorite!  So I just did the amount of each exercise I had previously done during that level and I still feel like my workout was good.  My left arm is really sore! Weird.

Right now C has decided it is NOT nap time and she is currently SCREAMING in her room.  I think I am going to cave and bring her downstairs to cuddle.  I was really hoping she would nap for a few minutes this morning so she would be awake and pleasant when I have to go show clients a few houses.  Looks like she is going to nap while we are out, meaning I will get nothing done.

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