Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 10 - Level 1 Complete

I feel very accomplished today.  Level 1 is done!  I even noticed the without conciously meaning to I was following Natalie on most exercises.  I havent been sore in several days.  I finished all the exercises and yesterday in the mirror I felt ever so slightly better about my stomach and butt.   

I had asked hubby to help me with staying accountable and all.  I mentioned suggesting my sugar free pudding if I mentioned ice cream etc.  Well he probably wont be a good accountability partner in that respect anymore.  He had cleaned up after our Super Bowl get together and on Monday I wanted a snack.  I thought some left over guacamole and a few tortilla chips would hit the spot and he wouldnt tell me where the chips were.  I almost bit his head off.  Oops!

Tomorrow starts day 11 of the 30 Day Shred and Day 1 of level 2!

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